When to use Excel ROW Function

Excel ROW Function function can be used when you want to get the row number of a cell reference.

What it Returns

It returns a number that represents the row number of the specified reference. For example, =ROW(B4) would return 4, as it is in the fourth row.



Input Arguments

[reference] – An optional argument that refers to a cell or range of cells. If this argument is omitted, ROW function returns the row number of the cell in which the formula resides.

Additional Notes

If the reference is a range of cells, ROW function returns the row number of the top-most row in the specified range. For example, =ROW(B5:D10) would return 5 as the top-most row is B2 for which the row number is 5. If the reference is entered as an array, ROW function returns the row numbers of all the rows in that array. Reference can not refer to multiple references or addresses. ROW function can be particularly helpful when you want to get a sequence of numbers in a column. For example, enter =ROW() in cell A1 and drag it down. You will have sequence of numbers 1.2.3..

Excel ROW Function – Examples

Here are three examples of using the Excel ROW Function:

#1 Getting the Row number of the current cell

If you enter =ROW() in any cell, it will return the row number of that cell.

#2 Getting the Row number of the Specified Cell

If you specify a cell reference with the ROW function, it will return the row number of that cell reference.

#3 Getting the Row Numbers of a range of cells

If you use the reference of a range of cells within ROW function, it will return an array of all the row numbers. For example, in the above example, =ROW(A4:C8) returns an array – {4;5;6;7;8} – as all these rows are covered by the range used within the ROW function. Note that ROW function can take only a single contiguous range of cells as input. If you try using =ROW(A4:C8,K9), it will return an error.

Excel ROW Function – Video Tutorial

Related Excel Functions:

Excel COLUMN Function. Excel ROWS Function. Excel COLUMNS Function.

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